
Japan – My Personal Faves

So my final blog post from Japan, saving what I consider my personal favourite shots from the trip. As regular viewers may have noticed by now I really enjoyed the freedom afforded to me again, in traveling around this beautiful, breathtaking country and making photographs for no other reason than because I wanted to and because something about the ‘thing’ caught my eye. For me that’s a rare thing, photography back to its purest roots; because you just bloody want to.

It was 14/15yrs ago now that I saw photos that my friend Clive took on a trip to Japan, back in my early fascinations with photography, that set me off wanting to go. There’s been a slow burning fuel on the fire for the trip ever since as I’ve grown and wanted to learn more about the world and cultures ever since. Deeply rewarding following in the footsteps of so many others, and yet doing so in my own eyes just for me.

Enough talking – more photos!


The last of the cherry blossoms (sakura)

The Meiji Shrine torii gate

An elderly Japanese gentleman praying at a shrine

Self – in the window of a Bullet Train (Shinkansen)

Parking meter in Shizuoka

The back streets of Shizuoka

Fountain and child in Shizuoka

At rest

Miho beach near Shizuoka

Man waiting on bike in Kyoto

Bike at station in Kyoto

Red leaves

The bamboo that started it all – my fascination with Japan as a photographic place to visit started right here

Kyoto train station at dusk

Man waiting at Kyoto train station

A little off the beaten path at Kiyomizu, Kyoto

Entrance to one of the gardens in Kyoto, entirely the opposite direction to the way everyone else was looking

The Golden Temple – Kinkakuji, Kyoto

On the ferry to Miyajima

The approach to the island at Miyajima

The infamous torii gate at Miyajima